
Light up your audience with ideas, energy, and fun…

“The word ‘creative’ doesn’t even begin to describe Don The Idea Guy.
A few words that do come to mind are: wow, amazing, brilliant, funny, genuine, friendly, and Oh-my-goodness-how-does-he-do-that?

As both The Idea Guy and a professional speaker, Don delivers the best ideas, the best answers, the best advice and the most imaginative solutions on the planet. Hire him for his ideas. Then hire him AGAIN because those ideas really work!”

~ Michelle Joyce, Professional Speaker Agent to Renowned Keynote Speakers

Michelle Joyce testimonial


Always an illuminating experience

Don The Idea Guy is looking forward to speaking at your next event!
The Idea Guy has delivered keynote presentations, workshops, and brainstorm sessions to Universities, Trade Associations, the Better Business Bureau, American Marketing Association, Advertising Federation, and companies of every shape and size. Don delivers content, shares ideas, and offers new perspective to your audience. You can almost see the proverbial light bulbs popping-up over the heads of each attendee as they scribble down new concepts to tryout for themselves as soon as the session is over.

Specialty Presentations Include…

BeanStorming : Using Creativity and Caffeine to Brew-Up Brilliant Ideas
This session shares Don’s personal discovery that creativity and coffee are inherently linked. Nothing generates ideas and builds rapport like sitting across from a customer and sharing a cup of coffee. Participants will learn how to put the common grounds of these creativity+coffee traits into action, as well as the “7 Rules of BeanStorming.”

Building A Personal Brand : Become “THE” Expert At What You Do
Perfect for the challenges facing ‘commodity’ salespeople who think price is all their customers care about. If you’re selling something that appears to be the exact same offering as every one of your other competitors, your personal brand may be the only thing that sets you apart and gives you an edge. If you don’t have a personal brand that increases your perceived value to the client, all you have left to talk about is price.

The “Why Bother?” Seminar on Social Media
Everybody and their brother (and their brother’s cat) is talking about social media. Friends, Fans, Followers, Tweets, Snaps… where does it end? (it doesn’t). There are thousands of people, books, and websites all giving lessons on social media How To but no one is talking about what everyone is really wondering: WHY BOTHER? (Until now, that is!) Don The Idea Guy will show your audience how to use social media for effective prospecting, customer and industry research, demonstrating authority and knowledge, and delivering value. Social media is a terrible place to make a sale, but it’s a great place to make a positive impression.

The Sales Rep Revolution
This is presentation that encourages your sales team to get excited about taking control and responsibility for their own professional development and success. From crafting their own Success Manifesto to developing their Personal Brand to building a profitable Business Platform — Don The Idea shows newbie and veteran sales professionals alike why now is the time for them to treat their job like they are running their own company.

Content Creation and Revenue Generation
Don The Idea Guy presents his personal content creation matrix that demonstrates how easy and effective it is to produce high impact marketing content that excites and educates clients, while engaging prospects and encouraging business contact and communication. Learn an easy formula for writing articles, how to get a personal meeting with a hard-to-reach prospect who isn’t returning your calls, and a way to fill your prospecting funnel (and get positive media attention!) for about $20.

Gitomer Certified Speaker
In addition to delivering his own original content and insights, Don The Idea Guy is also a Gitomer Certified Speaker. Don was hand-picked and mentored by worldwide best selling author and acclaimed public speaker, Jeffrey Gitomer to be one of just a handful of people authorized, endorsed, and personally trained by “The King of Sales” to present custom keynotes using material from all of Gitomer’s books, like The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless – Customer Loyalty is Priceless — all presented with impact, style, and humor. Treat your audience to the world’s most popular content on sales training and attitude seamlessly blended with Don The Idea Guy’s own unique perspectives and experience — a winning combination for your event attendees.

A presentation from Don The Idea Guy is no canned-speech!

Don works with each speaking client to customize the presentation for their particular audience and industry, embedding examples and scenarios that speak directly to the challenges you’re company faces everyday.

What audiences are saying…


Don The Idea Guy spoke at our association Fall Seminar.

Don spent a great deal of time with our association leadership, learning about our industry and ensuring the content of his keynote seminar would be perfect for our members. This was a great help to me as the meeting planner, as I wanted to be sure the information presented would be relevant to our bowling center operators.

Don simply nailed the presentation! Our member feedback was not only that they liked the information, but that they took away multiple ideas that could be implemented in their businesses immediately.

Beyond the great information, Don was energetic, open-minded and professional.

The time he spent with our members went above and beyond the speaking fee. Don really did his research and added his own personal touch, which was so appreciated.

Jenny Martin-Clarke
Executive Director
Bowling Centers Association of Ohio